Nimbus Healthcare

Hair loss is genetic.

Get a personalized prescription designed just for you.

Modern Medicine

We design each hair restoration foam with you in mind and use innovative science to ensure the medicine is getting delivered to the right place.

Personalized Prescriptions

After reviewing the results of your DNA test, we custom compound a prescription to treat the underlying cause of your hair loss.

Real people. Real results.

"After trying other hair loss products, I was skeptical at first, but the results speak for themselves. I was very surprised to see these kinds of results in just 3 months." -

Mark .M

Our patented test and algorithm

The proprietary Nimbus Hair DNA Test analyzes your genetic profile to find the underlying causes for your hair loss. A patented algorithm chooses from over 175 million therapeutic alternatives to provide a personalized treatment solution. A customized prescription is developed by medical professionals according to your specific genetic needs.

Each person has a unique combination of factors (genetic and lifestyle related) that contribute to their hair loss. However, it’s been historically treated with a one-size- fits-all approach.

  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Alopecia areata
  • Telogen effuvium

Your genetic profile will be analyzed on 13 genes and 48 different genetic variations. An analysis will also be conducted on the different types of alopecia:

Get Started

Hair loss is directly related to our genetics.

There are 6 factors that can hinder or promote hair growth and they are all at the mercy of our genes. Since human genome sequencing began, we have explored numerous ways that differences in genes can impact our bodies and our lives. At Nimbus, we’ve created the first genetic test for hair loss and leverage personalized prescriptions to address the root cause of it.

Hair growth regulators

The metabolism of hair growth regulators, like prostaglandins, can either help our hair grow or cause the hair follicle to shrink and stop growing.


Improper management of inflammation is the root cause of many problems in our bodies and it plays a big role in hair loss.

Hormonal effect

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the primary hormone responsible for hair loss.

Blood flow

Hair follicles are living tissue and need a steady supply of nutrients from blood flow to remain healthy.

Collagen formation

This protein is a building block for joints, nails, connective tissue, and skin.

Vitamin & mineral metabolism

Vitamin A and biotin are important for normal hair growth and our diets are often deficient in these nutrients.

Meet your provider

Dr. Richard Harris

Dr. Harris is a board-certified internal medicine physician and pharmacist. He attended the University of Texas at Austin for pharmacy school and then pursued medical education at the McGovern School of Medicine in Houston. His passion is to help all people be proactive regarding their health, especially with hormone and metabolic health. Dr. Harris is an avid reader, weight lifter, and video game enthusiast.

Want to learn about our specialists?

Who is Nimbus?

As a company, the mission of Nimbus is to bring personalized medicine to anyone who wants to look, feel, or live a happier and healthier life. Access to personalized medicine has been something that is typically out of reach for many of us due to cost or lack of providers, but with the launch of Nimbus, Jobby hopes to make it accessible for anyone who wants it…all from the comfort of their own home. The customized treatment plans Nimbus provides address two very important issues that affect millions upon millions of people; hair loss and hormone imbalances.

As someone who struggled personally with alopecia areata, Jobby had a unique perspective on how the millions of people dealing with hair loss feel. And as an owner of a Texas-based compounding pharmacy and an active member of the pharmacy community, he also had the unique resources, and personal interest, to develop one of the most effective ways to treat hair loss – by looking at genetic predispositions and treating patients based on their unique biochemistry and genetic conditions. As a patient himself, Jobby has created one of the most effective and personalized ways to address the underlying cause of hair loss.

Beyond hair loss, Jobby also believes personalized medicine should extend to something that affects daily life for men and women alike, imbalanced hormones. From fatigue to poor performance to mood swings, hormone balance is crucial to a happy and healthy life. Nimbus has developed an innovative way to test your hormone levels and create personalized treatment plans to help you reach new goals or simply feel better in your skin, all at an affordable price.

“It is our mission to help improve access to personalized medicine that allows our patients to live better lives. However they define that, we’re here for them.”

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