Nimbus Healthcare

Tired? Thinning hair? Night sweats? We can help.

With a simple at home test, we can help you get to the bottom of why you are feeling the way you do or why you are experiencing thinning hair. Unlike many other companies, Nimbus provides personalized prescriptions designed for your body to address the underlying cause of your symptoms and get you the best possible results.

Hormone Optimization

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Hair Restoration

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Weight Loss

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Starting at $99/month

Innovative at-home testing and personalized prescriptions to improve your health, happiness, and life.

Providing your sample takes only 5-10 mins and our lab turns around results in about a week. From there, you'll meet with a telehealth provider who will discuss your results and treatment options. If you decide to move forward with one our recommendations, our compounding pharmacy will create a prescription just for you and with one click, you'll get your medications delivered to your door each month.

Feeling and looking better is one test and one free telemedicine appointment away!

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How It Works

It takes less than 5 minutes to start your journey to looking and feeling better. Start with a test kit. End with a personalized prescription.

Get your test.

It all starts with a test kit. You can order one by clicking Get Started or find one at your local medical office or pharmacy. Be sure to follow the instructions and scan the QR code to activate your kit.

Ship your sample.

We've included straightforward instructions on how to collect and ship your sample. The collection method may vary depending on the type of test kit you ordered. Please double check the shipping carrier and drop your sample off at the correct shipping partner.

Meet your provider.

Your provider will review your medical history and analyze your lab results. You will meet via a video visit to discuss your options and we will develop a personalized treatment plan to help you meet your health and wellness goals. Our team is available by video, phone, or chat.

Get your treatment.

After you and your provider determine the best treatment plan, we will mail your prescription and continue to do so on a subscription basis until your next appointment with your provider, or you choose to cancel.

At home testing. Free telemedicine appointment. Custom prescriptions.

Whether you aren't feeling yourself, having some mood or sleep issues, or are interested to learn about where your hair loss is coming from, it all starts with an at home test kit. Providing your sample takes only 5-10 mins and our lab turns around results in about a week. From there, you'll meet with a Nimbus provider who will discuss your results and treatment options. If you decide to move forward with one our recommendations, our compounding pharmacy will create a prescription just for you and with one click, you'll get your medications delivered to your door each month.

Feeling and looking better is one test and one free telemedicine appointment away!

Get Started

Bioidentical treatments that really work

Estrogen Therapy

A powerful replacement therapy to assist in your overall wellness with a focus on body, mood, mind, and sex.

Treatment types


Progesterone Therapy

An assistive replacement therapy that may be recommended by your doctor alongside your estrogen treatment.

Treatment types



An effective combination therapy to help reduce weight, maintain muscle, and improve sex.

Treatment types


Meet your provider

Dr. Tracy Neal

Dr. Tracy Neal is a board-certified anesthesiologist who completed a fellowship in anti-aging, regenerative and functional with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). She practices an integrative healthcare approach that focuses on rebalancing the biochemistry of each individual patient. Her primary areas of concern are thyroid, hormones and adrenal glands (stress management). Her practice involves bioidentical hormone and thyroid replacement, along with pharmaceutical grade supplements to optimize patient health and well-being.

Who is Nimbus?

As a company, the mission of Nimbus is to bring personalized medicine to anyone who wants to look, feel, or live a happier and healthier life. Access to personalized medicine has been something that is typically out of reach for many of us due to cost or lack of providers, but with the launch of Nimbus, Jobby hopes to make it accessible for anyone who wants it…all from the comfort of their own home. The customized treatment plans Nimbus provides address two very important issues that affect millions upon millions of people; hair loss and hormone imbalances.

As someone who struggled personally with alopecia areata, Jobby had a unique perspective on how the millions of people dealing with hair loss feel. And as an owner of a Texas-based compounding pharmacy and an active member of the pharmacy community, he also had the unique resources, and personal interest, to develop one of the most effective ways to treat hair loss – by looking at genetic predispositions and treating patients based on their unique biochemistry and genetic conditions. As a patient himself, Jobby has created one of the most effective and personalized ways to address the underlying cause of hair loss.

Beyond hair loss, Jobby also believes personalized medicine should extend to something that affects daily life for men and women alike, imbalanced hormones. From fatigue to poor performance to mood swings, hormone balance is crucial to a happy and healthy life. Nimbus has developed an innovative way to test your hormone levels and create personalized treatment plans to help you reach new goals or simply feel better in your skin, all at an affordable price.

“It is our mission to help improve access to personalized medicine that allows our patients to live better lives. However they define that, we’re here for them.”

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